Help people manage subscriptions in one place.

Project type
Solo student project

April 2022 (90 hours)

My role
Product Designer
UX Researcher

Tools used
Adobe Illustrator

The Context

  • Moni is a subscription management tool that users can use to keep track of all their subscription fees across websites, apps, and services.

  • Recently, they have focused on improving accessibility, enhancing the user experience, and expanding the market reach of their product.

Design Constraints

  • An iOS mobile app

  • 90 hours to complete this project

  • Want to make it easier for current users to see all subscriptions in one place

  • Want to help returning users unsubscribe from subscriptions

  • Want to help customers receive notifications when their subscriptions are about to be charged

The Objective

Design an end-to-end mobile app experience to support the existing website and help users manage their subscriptions, focusing on increasing market reach.


The desktop-only version will lose active users and reduce potential customers over time.

Moni is currently a desktop website version that is not mobile-friendly. Based on a PRD (Product requirements document) from the Product Manager, I realized that the result is a decrease in business from potential customers and a loss of active users. How do we transfer the web experience into mobile in an easier-to-use and elegant way, emphasizing the mobile platform's benefits for a subscription management tool?


An iOS mobile app for efficiently managing all your subscriptions in one place

Let's dive into the PROCESS

Using Design Thinking to achieve this solution


Why is this problem important?

Our goal at Moni is to help people keep track of all your subscription fees over the years by providing a mobile version of its product.

But first, how do we know these are problems? Why a mobile app? What do customers really want, need, and expect from us?

Secondary Research

Competitor Analysis

To understand the current market, I have conducted a Competitive Analysis of three brands in the industry: Trackmysubs, Truebill, and Trim. My focus was on their product features to compare strengths and weaknesses.

Standing out from the crowd

Trackmysubs provided the basics. While Trim gets fancy with its 'negotiate bills' feature, TrueBill provides an all-in-one personal finance app. Each app had its pros and cons.

A competitive analysis revealed areas for improvement across various apps. Rather than reinventing the wheel,
I wanted Moni to build on its foundation and provide robust core features.


Which points do we try to solve?

Synthesizing Research

Base on the quantitative research & key takeaways from competitor analysis, I observed that:

Users subscribe to many different services, use multiple payment methods, & often forget to pay.

“…usually forget about free trials & automatic renewals.”

More than that, each subscription has a different schedule, due date, & policy, which makes managing subscriptions even more challenging.



How might we help our users to manage all kinds of subscriptions on their mobile devices with easy and clear effort?



How do we solve it?

Time to start designing. I came up with several potential solutions to each user flow and made some rough wireframes. I also did some initial testing on the Lo-Fi wireframes and used the feedback to refine my wireframes and narrow down my solutions for the Hi-Fi mockups.


As a new user, I want to quickly create an account, so I can easily use the app and manage my subscription

As a current user, I want to see all of my subscriptions in one place so that I can get a comprehensive view of my spending on subscriptions.

As a returning user, I want to unsubscribe from a subscription so that I can reduce needless spending.

As a current user, I want to be alerted when a subscription is being auto-renewed so that I can decide whether to renew it or not.


Style guide


Does the solution meet my users' needs?

Based on various feedback from 2 rounds of usability testing + mentor feedback, I iterated my design with 3 major improvements:







01 Lack of efficiency

Cancellation flow and set an alert flow are too long and hard to find. Those are hidden under the three-dot icon, which doesn't stand out and is difficult to spot.

02 Lack of flexibility

“What if I have 10-20 subscriptions? Do I need to change them one by one manual?”
Users often have many subscriptions, so they need to be able to turn them on and off from one place

03 Some of the wording and screen are unclear

The FINAL Product


Any new user's first steps out of the product are through the onboarding process. The flow needed to be clean, great looking, and more importantly, easy to navigate through.


Gain insight from the Stats

  • The home screen shows an overview of how much they spent in a month, where, and when.

  • The report screen shows detail of how much they spent in a month, quarter, or year, by account, by category.

All subscriptions in one place

  • View a comprehensive overview of all your subscriptions

  • See how much you already paid and how much more is left before deciding whether to reduce their spending.



Unsubscribe from subscriptions you don't use and cancel free trials before they expire.
Save your budget!

Remind me

  • Never miss a renewal that will hit your pocket.

  • Always prolong the services you need and stop paying for those you don't require.


What I learned


My most important takeaway from working on this project was getting to know the various subscription management options.

  • Through this project, I learned about the practical side of Fintech. In contrast to UX industries such as E-commerce and retail, Fintech is more methodical in its approach.

  • The purpose of Moni is to give users complete control over their subscriptions. Users can control everything from how they pay to when they are reminded of their payments.

What next?

If I had more time to work on this project, here are other enhancements I'd think about.

  • Have a flow that lets users add subscriptions manually

  • Explore the way to split the bill and manage subscriptions with friends

  • Expand to the German market (by doing more research first to understand the market, then prioritizing later)

Thank you for reading

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